De Palestijnse verzetsbeweging Hamas heeft de antisemitische aanslag op de Tree of Life synagoge in Pittsburgh scherp veroordeeld. In een verklaring op haar site zegt Hamas dat ze “met diepe droefheid kennis heeft genomen van de terroristische aanslag op een Joodse synagoge in Pittsburgh”.
Volledige verklaring van Hamas:
Member of the International Relations Bureau Basim Naim stated the following:
It is with deep regret and profound sadness that we received the news about the terrorist attack on a Jewish synagogue in Pittsburgh, which resulted in killing 11 innocent Jews and injuring six others.
As Palestinians who have been enduring the terrorism of the Israeli occupation, we are the most to realise what terrorism means and its destructive consequences.
On this sorrowful occasion, we would like to extend our sincerest condolences to the families of the victims, wishing the wounded a speedy recovery.
This aggressive act against ‘worship places’, which is highly condemned, highlights that terrorism has no religion nor ideology.
Dr. Basin Naim
Member of International Relations Bureau