Onderstaand bericht is met toestemming van de auteur, WLTR, overgenomen van zijn website.
De recente nontroverse over de niet-helemaal “op” Ground Zero geplande moskee, die geen moskee is, krijgt een nieuwe dimensie.
Een van de organisaties die het bouwproject demoniseren, net als bij iedere andere moskee die wordt gepland in de VS, is Stop Islamization of America (SIAO) opgericht door ondermeer de bekende dolgedraaide extreemrechtse blogger Pamela Geller, die een uitgesproken fan van Geert Wilders is. Geller werd bekend in de VS nadat ze had beweerd dat Obama de onrechtmatige zoon van Malcolm X was en publiceerde onlangs een boek vol haat en vuilspuierij over Obama, waarvoor Wilders een lovende flaptekst heeft geschreven.
SIAO heeft Wilders uitgenodigd samen met Newt Gingrich een toespraak te houden op de locatie waar een Islamitisch cultureel centrum wordt gepland, een paar blokken verwijderd van 911 Ground Zero. Volgens Wilders gaat het om een “megamoskee”, volgens Geller om een “overwinningsmoskee” voor moslims om hun succes van 9/11 te vieren. In werkelijkheid is het centrum een multifunctioneel gebouw, met onder andere een gymzaal, een zwembad, restaurants en een gebedsruimte om de slachtoffers van 9/11 te herdenken, bedoeld om de dialoog tussen en wederzijdse respect van religies te bevorderen. Het project ontvangt hiervoor veel steun uit verschillende religieuze en politieke hoeken. Er zijn bijvoorbeeld 10.000 handtekeningen opgehaald door een pro-Israelische organisatie als steunbetuiging voor de bouw van het centrum.
SIAO is geregistreerd in New Hampshire en volgens de oprichtingsakte is een van de mede-oprichters en bestuurslid van SIAO een zekere John Joseph Jay. Deze persoon levert regelmatig bijdragen aan extreemrechtse anti-Moslim websites, zoals Israel Insider en Gellers eigen Atlas Shrugs. Enig onderzoek levert op dat meneer Jay ook erg van wapens houdt en regelmatig berichtjes post over zelfverdediging.
Op zijn eigen blog schrijft meneer Jay:
“(…) wanneer we de heersende klasse willen verdrijven, dan zal dat met geweld zijn. zij hebben geweld gebruikt om hun voorrecht te verkrijgen, ze gebruiken die in de vorm van s.i.e.u. (bedoeld wordt SEIU, de vakbond voor overheidspersoneel, met name gezondheidszorg en publieke diensten, red.)” en de black panther boeven in verkiezingspolitiek, ze overwegen opvangkampen om het (voorrecht) te behouden, en zullen zich met geweld verzetten en eenieder en alle pogingen onderdrukken om te voorkomen dat hen dat privilige wordt afgenomen.
koop wapens, koop munitie, maak je ongerust over je vrijheden, en begrijp dat je mensen moet doden, jullie ooms, jullie zonen en dochters, om die vrijheden te behouden.”*
En SIOA, opgericht door onder andere meneer Jay nodigt meneer Wilders uit, die vol trots meldt dat hij een toespraak in NewYork gaat houden tegen de geplande “megamoskee”.
Gaat Wilders zijn uitnodiging nu teruggeven, net als bij de aankondiging eerder dit jaar van de premiere van de film over Wilders, uitgebracht door het Christian Action Network (CAN), een christenfundanmentalistische organisatie, die homohaat verspreidt, juicht als een abortuskliniek wordt opgeblazen en sinds enige tijd in Islamofobie een nieuwe melkkoe heeft gevonden? Wilders reageerde aanvankelijk enthousiast op die uitnodiging en schreef dat hij zich vereerd voelde, maar nadat bekend was geworden waar CAN eigenlijk voor staat meldde hij dat hij niet zou gaan en dat hij zich van CAN distantieerde. Vreemd, want hij had al eerder samen met CAN opgetreden; toen was het blijkbaar geen probleem om samen met een homofobe organisatie haat tegen moslims te verspreiden.
Gaan Verhagen en Rutte zich nog uitspreken over Wilders avonturen in de VS? Blijkbaar hebben zij geen problemen met Wilders’ asscociaties met talloze radicale extreemrechtse clubjes, waarvan sommigen geweld niet schuwen om hun doel te bereiken. Geller: “The only good Muslim, is a dead Muslim.”
En kunnen de mainstream media in Nederland eindelijk ophouden zoveel kritiekloze aandacht aan Wilders te besteden, alsof zijn politiek van haat tegen de Islam legitiem en zijn mening redelijk zijn? Dat het CDA en de VVD hun goedkeuring aan Wilders kruistocht tegen de Islam verlenen — verschil van inzicht moet je volgens de verklaring van de heren Rutte en Verhagen respecteren — in ruil voor zijn stemgedrag is al erg genoeg.
* “if we are to excise the ruling class, it will be with violence. they used violence to attain their privilege, they use it nakedly in the form of the s.i.e.u. and black panther thugs in elective politics to maintain it, they contemplate relocation camps to preserve it, and they will violently resist and suppress any and all efforts to be removed from their privilege.
buy guns. buy ammo. be jealous of your liberties. and, understand, you are going to have to kill folks, your uncles, your sons and daughters, to preserve those liberties.”
Bron: Daily Kos: SIOA Co-Founder: Kill Your Liberal Relatives and All Muslims, geplaatst door Daisy Cutter, 3 augustus 2010
Nu eens kijken, wat de media gaan doen met deze pijnlijke onthulling! 👿
Je kunt nog toevoegen, dat SIOA een filiaal is van het al langer bestaande SIOE (“Stop Islamization Of Europe”). SIOE is hoofdzakelijk een samenwerking van Deense en Britse anti-islam aktivisten met blanke suprematie achtergrond. De Deense leider Anders Gavers schuwt gewelddadige demonstraties niet, zoals bleek in september 2007 in Brussel. Daar werd een grotendeels mislukte “massademonstratie” gehouden tegen de Islamisering van Europa. Gavers deed een paar maanden geleden SIOA over aan Geller c.s. Het Britse SIOE werkt nauw samen met de fascistoïde British National Party (BNP).
Vervolg: Het ritselt van de Germaanse en Viking symboliek bij SIOE. Ik zal er eens wat plaatjes bij zoeken. 😆
The Guardian ging Walraffen bij de Engelse Wildersvriendjes
“Nu eens kijken, wat de media gaan doen met deze pijnlijke onthulling! ”
helemaal niks zoals gewoonlijk
read, and find out what is in store for you with regard to islam as a result of the “euro-med” agreements entered into on your “behalf” by the euro union.
it is my impression that most of you haven’t the foggiest notion that any of this has happened. if you have the patience, read the entire text of the “euro-med” agreement between egypt & the euro-union, and also, the euro union’s lisbon treaty provision on muslim immigration.
and, please. don’t come to the united states when you flee. we don’t want you, if all you do is cut and run. if you won’t defend your homelands, and most of you won’t, we don’t need you here.
http://eeas.europa.eu/egypt/aa/06_aaa_en.pdf — the text of the euro-med/euro union treaty w/ egypt.
enjoy. i expect that most of you have had no exposure to much of the above. you all seem blissfully unaware of what happens to you in your “association” with the euro union.
john jay
grappig he zat in de spam
ik wil hem zeker niet hier
als ik in mijn leven namelijk ooit zou moeten vluchten is het voor mensen als hij
Nolly van der Kluft Schreef:
Hi Nolly , kijk eens bij mijn posts , staat een heel artikel over 😛
john joseph jay
Toepasselijke achternaam , een Jay is een vogel die nestjes van andere vogels plunderd maar ladingen lawaai maakt als je bij zijn nest in de buurt komt 😀
John Joseph Jay zou honderd jaar geleden gewoon de dorpsgek zijn die iedereen negeerde. Nu heeft de dorpsgek een laptop en komt ie andere dorpsgekken tegen. En omdat ze elkaar opstoken worden ze allemaal nog gekker.
John Joseph Jay is zo gek dat ie van handelsakkoorden tussen Europa en het Midden-Oosten de onderwerping van Europa aan de moslims maakt.
@jay “read the entire text of the “euro-med” agreement between egypt & the euro-union, and also, the euro union’s lisbon treaty provision on muslim immigration.”
The egypte (or arab is some texts) – EU agreement story is entirely based on fraud, xenofobia and hate.
Their is no joy reading your hatefilled posts, but you helped us a lot by signing the articles of agreement for SIAO. It gives us evidence that Wilders associates are extremly dangerous antisocial lunatics and bigots like yourself.
Beste Krapuulers. Laten we nog wat verder graven en een einde maken aan de politieke ambities van Wilders.
Leuk plaatje wat ik op de site van nog zo’n lunatic tegengekomen ben.
wltr Schreef:
Niks mis met politieke ambities van Geert. Als ik er maar niet mee geconfronteerd word.
jvdheuvel. Ok, klein nuanceverschil. Laten we Geert bevrijden van zijn politieke ambities, met een knipoog naar jos 😛
Homo grapjes zijn not done maar voor John Joseph Gay maak ik graag een uitzondering. 😆
@wltr laten we onszelf bevrijden van Geerts politieke ambities. 😆
nee wltr heeft gelijk
dieper spitten en een fijn dossier maken
is een puik plan
quote from your letter: @ jay ” read the Entire text of the ” Euro – med ” agreement between Egypt & the Euro – union , and Also , the euro union lisbon treaty ’s provision on Muslim immigration . ”
i am sorry if the “translation” from dutch to english does not adequately say what you meant, but, i don’t speak dutch.
as to the assertion that the document that is the “association agreement” between egypt and the euro union is a “fraud,” i say only that it came from an official euro union web site. perhaps you ought to spend a little more time digging into what the “euro med”/euro union are up to, instead of saying that i am using fraudulent documents.
in these articles you will find the confirmation that the euro union intends to bring in 50 million or so muslims from north aftrica to “replace” a worker short fall caused by your declining birth rate/population growth.
but, scoff all you want. it is your country. for not a whole lot longer in my estimation, … , but, time will tell.
in the meantime, that london is 20% muslim, that the cars are burned nightly in france, and that muslims pray in the court yards before catholic cathedrals in italy, … , all of that is the fraud of my imagination as well. eh?
play on! wltr. 😉
now, about those neighborhoods in your home city you don’t dare go into … . my imagination, wltr? fraud? eh?
john jay
milton freewater, oregon usa
Let’s talk on topic.
So mister Jay, you want to kill us all eh
Wanna kill me twice , Muslim and Liberal …
(liberal in the U.S. meaning of the word , Dutch “liberals”like the VVD and D66 make me 😥 ..)
What will you do to may baby son ? Kick him to dead like your fellow Muslimhating Christian Serb Friends in Bosnia did with several Muslim babies ?? Or use him for target practice like your ZionNazi friends in ” israel ” love too do ?? Or maybe follow another Christian Serbian example and stuff him with his mother and several other women in childeren in a house and put it on fire ??
I really enjoy how you make a fool out of yourself John Jay. You are miles away in Oregon and claiming to tell the truth about the Europe we over here live in and experience daily.
There are is no clash between Muslims and non-Muslims. The clash is between sane people and warmongering bigots like you.
@19 You don’t sound you’ve ever been to the Netherlands or Europe
The articles you’re referring to giving ‘evidence’ to mass migration in exchange for oil are copies of the same rubbish. The mass immigration from Arab countries or North Africa doesn’t exist. It’s a false story based on xenofobia, circulated heavily on radicale far right, neofascist and neonazi websites across Europe and the US.
Nowhere in the EU documents or the Resolution of Strassburg is any evidence of agreed mass immigration in exchange for oil.It’s a fake story based on the idea that there is a plot of Muslims to overthrow the west and kill us all, exactly like Hitler talked about the jews. No more, no less.
The only districts in my home town that I don’t want to enter at night are habited by antisocial poorly educated racist white trash, that believe such nonsense and vote for wingnuts, like Wilders or Palin.
Is het geen bedenksel van Gisele Litman zich noemende Bat Ye’or want zij is in permanent levensgevaar? De protocollen van de wijzen van Mekka, ook wel genoemd Eurabië?
i am old and tired and live frugally, but i would be quite willing to pony up a little sum to help “subsidize” you on several trips around europe.
say, put you up in a nice hostel in one of the 750+ districts in france where the police certify they have no control, or into one of the nice districts in london where the english fear to travel because of their asian “friends.” or, perhaps several of the smaller cities in denmark where the muslims and hell’s angels vie for control of the drug trades. or, the little town in norway, for the car burnings.
you live in a very pleasant world. you, and your delusions, and your cats and your pipe and your dutch licorice. i won’t disturb it. the real world will intrude soon enough. do me a favor, though, … , post a copy of westegaard’s turban bomb picture of mohammed on your front door. leave it up for a month or so, just for snorts and giggles.
john jay
Hello; see that skull and warning below:
It is a warning that you have stay on topic. Otherwise your comments will be erased and you will be banned from the site.
This topic is about you wanting to kill us all. “SIOA co-founder: kill your liberal relatives and all muslims”
Can you eleborate a little more on that?
John ,
Why do you want to kill us?
I do’nt want to kill you. I’m against murder, death penalty etc.
Are you a christian?
If so, remember the 10 commitments
Jezus would cry if he’d hear what you are saying
Jezus stood for peace en respect , not for war and hatred 👿
sure. read the posts at my blog, at the links provided, and decide for yourself if i in fact said those things, as are ascribed to me by “daisy cutter” at the daily kos.
and, you can make up your own minds, instead of accepting at “face value” how someone has characterized my writing. i think you might be surprised to find it far more contemplative than you might have expected. but, then again, you might find “daisy cutter’s” evaluation in keeping with your own views.
you remind me of the old lawyer’s joke, about the prosecutor interrogating the witness by stating, “and, tell me sir, when did you stop beating your wife.” your discussions rather assume your conclusions, do they not?
so far, i have not seen one letter of analysis of the thought i have actually expressed, which would indicate one way or another if any of you actually read in order to support the assertions you spout.
you read my posts. then, after you have read them, you tell me whether you think i have advocated killing you all. https://krapuul.nl/blog/10408/siao-mede-oprichter-en-bestuurslid-roept-op-linkse-familieleden-en-moslims-te-doden/
btw, you are all a little squeamish for marxist head bashers, aren’t you, in the proud tradition of the clowns & thugs who beat people on the way to demonstrations to voice their opinions?
so, no, i don’t advocate killing all of you. nor do i shrink from the position that i will do that which is necessary to protect my liberties and my rights. not as defined by the euro union declaration of universal right, which is not, but as i have preserved for myself and my posterity in the bill of rights of the constitution of the united states of america, and the constitutions of each of its states.
read heller vs. washington d.c., united states supreme court, if you would truly comprehend what i am talking about. you can look it up.
john jay
milton freewater, oregon usa
p.s. is this on topic enough for you?
Deze knakker on topic houden hij wil ons allemaal doodmaken en jullie laten hem wegkomen met allemaal gratuite geouwehoer. Straks gaat ie nog janken dat ie gisteren Opsporing Verzocht gezien heeft en allemaal lichtgetinte mensen gezien heeft. 😥
Did you write “understand, you are going to have to kill folks, your uncles, your sons and daughters, to preserve those liberties”
yes or no
p.s. i do appreciate the many hits at my blog site on the links i have posted here, which means your readers are reading me.
and, deciding for themselves whether or not i am “guilty” as accused. in short, they have looked to my writing to see if “daisy cutter’s” assessment at daily kos is warranted, or whether she has stretched the point a little bit in the interest of journalistic “standards.”
the sheep stray from the flock at bit, eh? i expect that that will not be tolerated. laughing.
Last time I checked you were guilty of writing what is in @30.
That is the topic here.
Is it true that you co-founded SIOA?
what i wrote is at my blog, and speaks for itself, which you can easily determine by reading the posts provided.
i stand by what i wrote. if you think you have the moral authority to pronounce me “guilty,” i guess that is your opinion of your power, but, it is certainly not mine.
i come from a proud tradition of enlightenment liberalism, as espoused by the thought of john locke and william blackstone, and will find its clearest expression in the writings of jay, hamilton and madison in those works called “the federalist papers,” which are regarded by u.s. supreme court decisions as being part of the organic documents of the united states of american. (from whose bill of rights all of your “universal declarations” are distilled, except that by the time you euro’s get done with them, they are collective rights subject to “balancing” by the organs of the state, whereas my rights are inviolate to the individual.)
i do not bow to your right to pronounce me “guilty” of anything. and, i will put the benefit conferred upon mankind by my values against your warmed over marxist horsecrap any day of the week.
john jay
milton freewater, oregon usa
p.s. oh, yes. to stay on topic. beat me. beat me. savage me. you smug authoritarian sap. “guilty.” as if you had the moral authority to pronounce a locust guilty of eating the grain.
read. make up your own mind, if you are capable of doing so. come to the comment section of my blog and refute my arguments, if you wish. you will not be censored there. and, i will not expect you to lie down and apologize for your views, as though you were interred in some socialist “attitude camp.”
and, do not expect me not to defend myself, as i am quite capable of doing.
oh, for your information. 25 years in law practice, as a prosecutor and defender of felony level cases. i know my “self defense,” and i know my history. and, i know the law of my land, which is not the law of your land. you prosecute geert wilders. i stand in his defense. and, i will assert the right to do so against your views, or the minions of my government, if need be.
draw your own conclusions.
jdhuevel & #27 excellentie zwembad (whatever that is):
read the gospels, new testament, as the words of christ are recorded, regarding the instructions to his followers.
john jay
Sorry no time for fairy tails.
But on topic: yes you wrote what you wrote and yes you co-founded SIOA.
Are you still with SIOA?
Hey Jay, one more question, are you a friend of Geert Wilders, as stated on this site? 🙄
jos, wltr, jdheuvel:
no, i do not want to kill all of us.
it would be a very large waste of time.
but, i will part you with this observation. which i am sure you will reject out of hand. but, that is not my worry. or, really my concern.–
islam wants to kill all of you.
you can look it up. all you have to do is read and inquire, and it is laid out in the haddiths and the commentaries and the koran without apology or disguise or artifice.
the only thing that keeps you from it is your own powers of delusion. and denile. and, a fair dollop of cowardice.
islam wants to kill all of you, or subjegate you. and, islam will take holland and the netherlands and the lowlands from you. because you are afraid to resist islam.
i will not live to see it (62 years old and heart troubles), but my children will, g_d willing, as will yours. you can reflect on that as you die in your beds, the bile of cowardice on your lips.
john jay
So that’s your Christianity ? Preaching war against others ? That’s not really in the spirit of the Sermon of the Mount.
You’re just the same as murderous Nazis, Stalinists or Islamists, just using another set of ideas (your interpretation of the Bible) as an excuse for hate speech.
excuse me.
“no, i do not want to kill all of you.”
my apologies for the typo. there, now, this is clear.
“islam wants to kill all of you.”
What does that mean ? A set of ideas doesn’t kill. What do you mean ? Is every Muslim a killer, is that what you’re saying ?
@37 Sitz:
Mag ik geen “vriendje van Wilders” noemen van jou?
john joseph jay Schreef:
Who do you want to kill then? You are writing about killing people on your website.
John Jay, if you have heart troubles, I suggest you start relaxing and enjoying life instead of wasting energy on your paranoid delusions.
Je mag doen wat je wil, maar ik zou hem eerder een fan of symphatisant noemen. Vriendschap is volgens mij allereerst niet primair op politieke gezindte gebaseerd maar bovenal zou Wilders ook blijk moeten geven van waardering voor John.
Het feit dat hij zich door de SIOA laat uitnodigen is daar allerminst een voorbeeld van aangezien hij voor andere redenen is uitgenodigd en John zijn belachelijke teksten op een eigen website heeft geschreven.
#36, jdheuvel:
read what christ said to pilot when pilot mocked him as “king of the jews.” why do you ask me when it is clear you think you know the answers. as to whether i wrote what i wrote, it is clear simply by reading the posts at the website i maintain.
you don’t do cross examination very well, you should stay away from what you don’t know about.
#37, sitz:
i have never met geert wilders, i have never spoken to him, i have never shaken his hand, and to the best of my knowledge we have never exchanged a single word, spoken, written or in any other way. i have heard him speak. i respect him, as opposed to the rest of you in his opposition, whom i regard as pretty accurately described by orianna fallaci when she described you as “mollusks,” men with back bone.
# 39, jos:
well, if you are a marxist, i take your remarks as disingenuous at best, an entirely misleading. since when has a good marxist had anything against breaking a few eggs, eh? if you are a marxist, you and your ilk have perpetrated far more slaughter this century than all the christians & free market types & shintos & buddhists & hindu’s combined.
and, as for your closing remarks.–
pretty brave of you, in these pages and in holland, to accuse anyone of hate speech. but, you have shown even greater bravery, by asserting that “islamists” are as guilty as “nazi’s” and “stalinist’s” in propounding hate speech.
is this not the same thing as put geert wilders on trial in holland, and lars hedegaard in denmark? how do i go about contacting a dutch prosecutor to get you prosecuted for hate speech, you little hater, you? laughing.
john jay
@Sitz Nou wat let je en begin een website en schrijf als eerste bericht een bericht wat helemaal naar je eigen wens is.
Hier is beschouw ik dit toch echt als off topic geleuter en gepiep en geklaag en gejammer.
Het staat mij zoals je zelf terecht constateert vrij om dit heerschap een vriendje van Wilders te noemen.
Zo heb je bijvoorbeeld ook dierenvrienden. Dat hoeft ook niet wederzijds te zijn. Zo heb je bijvoorbeeld dierenvrienden die worden doodgebeten door hun eigen dier omdat de vriendschap niet wederzijds is.
Niet dat dat hier iets mee te maken heeft, maar meer ter illustratie dat dat off topic geklets gewoon geen reet toevoegt en dus niet toegestaan is.
I think Wilders Crusader friend stil, wants to kill muslim me , my little Muslim son , my hijab wearing muslim wife , just like his fellow Christian friends in Bosnia did , Cause this is the reality , in all Muslim countries ( ) there still are Christian , Jewish ; ( and sometimes Buddist and Hindu )Minorities with exeption of USA supported Wahabi ” Saudi ” Arabia ,where they where until the English helped the Sauds into power .. In all the countries reconquered by the Christians minorities got exterminated ..Where are the Muslims in Romania , Spain ; Portugal ; South Italy , Malta ??? ( and where are the Jews that lived there )
john joseph jay Schreef:
Are you still active for SIOA?
#42 jdheuvel:
yes, i wrote that on my website. my response was to a direct inquiry, was i a friend of wilders? no, i am not a friend or an acquaintance. i have heard him speak, i have never met him. if the inquiry in dutch is more along the lines of, … , “am i an admirer?” is quite clearly, yes. as i have written.
he may yet save you. and, you will pose for the snapshots, as though you had something to do with it.
# 41, jos:
i will let the muslims and islam speak for themselves, and note simply, they have spoken on the matter quite often, nad quite clearly.
john jay
John Joseph Jay, don’t dodge my question with your filbustering.
“islam wants to kill all of you.”
What does that mean ? A set of ideas doesn’t kill. What do you mean ? Is every Muslim a killer, is that what you’re saying ?
sorry Jvdheuvel
i’d like to react here but john does not respond to my questions
therefore i wont respond on him.
too bad çause i’d like to have some answers
guess he’s not a christian but a satanist or so 😆
I bet you don’t even pay attention to Muslims that are noot practicing violence (i.e., > 99%).
Do you then mean every individual Muslim is your enemy ?
Be clear, be explicit.
No Joseph is playing hard to get.
He is not answering the question if he’s still active for SIOA.
But I will answer the ludicrous off topic question about the word “friend”
friend /frɛnd/ Show Spelled[frend] Show IPA
1. a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
2. a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter: friends of the Boston Symphony.
See: that’s why I hate off topic bull shit.
Sitz consider yourself warned.
read what christ said to pilot when pilot mocked him as “king of the jews.
I don’t belieieieieieve it… 😛
How many liberals and muslims would Jesus kill? 😆
come on help me on this
basic questions
-why do you want to kill us?
-are you a christian?
-if so whey reject the word of jezus christ and the 10 commitments ?
# 52, jos:
i will make it simple for you.
you write the question.
you write my answer for me, the one you want.
then i will not assent to your attempt to speak for me.
will that simply things for you?
john jay
p.s. “a set of ideas doesn’t kill.”
do you speak for all assembled here at this blog site? is that the attitude of jdheuvel, and of wltr, and the rest of the little group of interrogating prosecutor’s?
if that is the case, that a “set of ideas doesn’t kill,” then why am i under accusation as killer, why am i being so assiduously interrogated, to try and establish the very proposition that you have just asserted?
i have expressed my ideas and examined quite closely the proposition as to when a non-believer in islam is justified in morality and law in exercising his inherent rights as a man under natural law precepts, recognized as fundamental in american jurisprudence in heller vs. washington d.c., united states supreme court, and have issued my thoughts on the matter.
you rather self righteously, your little coterie here, have accused me of being a hater and a killer for having done so.
yet, as against the pronouncements of the koran, the haddiths, countless fatawa from learned islamic scholars going back over 1400 years, you refuse to make that same accusation against islam.
quite frankly, i think you an intellectual coward for that, and for your demonstrated refusals to read my actual words. instead, you make your judgments on the accusations of one “daisy cutter,” (hint: it is a “pun” in english, though your dutch ears might not recognize it as such).
“john jay wants to kill all of you.”
what does that mean? a set of ideas doesn’t kill. what do you mean. is every person who asserts a right of self defense a killer, is that what you are saying.
is this plain enough for all of you, or do you want me to type in bigger letters? eh?
no offense, but you are, collectively, a bunch of nimcompoops.
op deze site vindt u alle antwoorden op theologisch gebied
(waar ver voor pamela geller al gerept werd over obama de moslim)
“i will make it simple for you.
you write the question.
you write my answer for me, the one you want.”
I have a better plan. You give a simple answer to my simple question: is every Muslim a murderous enemy ?
Why do you think you know Islam better than most Muslims ? > 99% of Muslims are not out to conquer the world, kill Jews or rape your daughters. So why do you still believe Islam preaches that ? Are most Muslims wrong and are you the one that completely understands their religion ?
No offense Jay, but you are an ass.
You write about killing people, liberals and muslims.
That’s all there is to know.
Now if you just answer my question if you’re still active for SIOA then your free to leave anytime.
# 55, jos:
there you go again, practicing hate against muslims again.
1,500,000,000. that’s 1.5 billion, right? o.k., 1% of 1.5 billion muslims “who are practicing violence” comes to 15,000,000 does it not?
so, you have just opined that 15 million muslims in the world practice violence. did you just not?
surely, you slander the religion w/ your accusations, and portray islam in a false light, and you are punishable under the dutch and euro union statutes agains speaking out in such a manner as against a religious group.
pretty risky, that, eh?
i mean, if i said that on these pages, i might be subject to the reach of a dutch prosecutor. actually, if one wanted to prosecute me, and would “put me up” in holland during the trial, i would get myself there for the occasion.
john jay
Hey Jay; why don’t you respond on dailykos, they’re talking about you:
Mr Jay
Fact: in your own blog you state “buy guns. buy ammo. be jealous of your liberties. and, understand, you are going to have to kill folks, your uncles, your sons and daughters, to preserve those liberties.”
This is clearly a call for murder, even family members cannot be spared. There is no difference between your call and that of terrorists and extremists, who believe in their own fairy tales and the conspiracy against them, which they use as an excuse to intimidate and violently kill people who think different.
You moron, 1% was just a figure of speech.
But are you saying a slight criminal minority is a good excuse to attack the religion of every other Muslim ?
# 60, excellentie zwembad:
1.)as to whether i want to kill you, read my posts and make up your own mind.
2.)i am a christian, of sorts. i will not lay my head on the block for anyone, nor will i turn the other cheek to agression. if you read my posts, you will find that i make recourse to st. augustine, st. thomas acquinas, and the the catholic catechism to formulate my positions upon the proper exercise of self defense. and, in english, we refer to the 10 “commandments” and not the 10 “comittments” a subtle distinction no doubt, but a major one. if you feel that this is an avoidance of your question, take it up with aquinas, augustine and the others when and if you meet them. there are occasions upon which it is justified to kill in order to defend one’s self. and you know, the learned grand ayatollah sayyed muhammed hussein fadlallah, in a fatawa no. 10 issued from his website, confirms the right of muslims to kill in order to protect themselves, and in order to protect the societies in which they live from being undermined by outside sources. you can look it up, … , just google it.
3.)i have not rejected the 10 commandments. i assert them, as aquinas and augustine and other formative thinkers in the history of western civilization, and even including kant. after hegel and marx and the rest, european thought goes to hell, but you probably will not accept that.
john jay
milton freewater, oregon usa
And why are you not answering the question: is every Muslim a murderous killer (remember: you said Islam wants to kill all of us) ?
De zanger is voorgedragen voor de Nobelprijs voor de Vrede (nee het is niet Dylan)
Who would Jesus bomb?
# 69, jos:
you accuse your listener of being a “moron” for something you said? how in any way am i responsible for anything that you said, and how does something you said that makes you prosecutable in holland/euro union for hate speech, make me a moron?
john jay
Ik ben klaar met die gast.
Jay, there are a couple of questions here, some of them have been repeated 3 times. Read the above and answer the questions. If you don’t answer the questions I will kick your ass back to redneck country.
“grand ayatollah sayyed muhammed hussein fadlallah, in a fatawa no. 10 issued from his website, confirms the right of muslims to kill in order to protect themselves, and in order to protect the societies in which they live from being undermined by outside sources.”
” you can look it up, … , just google it”
That’s not the way grown-up and intelligent people debate. I could say “the Earth is flat”, really look it up, just Google it. You need to come up with an exact reference right here to substantiate your claim.
# 72, nolly van der kluft :
just those persons st. thomas and st. augustine would identify in their conceptualization of “just war.” read my blog posts, you will find the links and fairly generous discussion of such matters. and, scoffer that you are, read jesus’s admonition to the disciples to carry swords, and to sell their cloaks to finance the purchase of hte same, as they went forward to spread the word of hte early church.
john jay
You are lying.
Can you give evidence for your claim you’re punishable for saying anything negative about Muslims ?
Dear John Joseph
Just a question; In Holland the possession of firearms is prohibited. I served in the military, fighting muslims in Afghanistan but due to serious health issues i had to quit my job. I could not even keep a small gun to defend my wife and children (little Pim and little Nancy) . Now a sleep with an nightstick under my pillow but i guess that would not stop the muslims from invading.
So do you have an advise how i could protect my family within the borders of the communist dutch law?
Herman Zuigvriend,
Bodegraven (NL)
John Joseph Jay, you coward. I asked you: what do you mean when saying “Islam kills”. Is every Muslim a killer ? Yes or no ?
# 68, wltr:
you have done it again. you have used the phrases “terrorists” and “extremist,” which is slander against the islam faith and muslims in general. it is a species of slander called “slander by inneundo,” and make you subject to prosecution in holland and in the euro union for hate speech, for unfairly slandering those who are adherent to the muslim faith.
my, i did not know i had dropped myself into such a den of dutch radicalism and free speech, and hate speech directed towards islam. quite refreshing to see you speak your minds on this topic.–
as to the “buy guns … ” language quoted. yes, i wrote it. are you sure that in a court of law you could make the stand that this is a call to “murder?”
i will remind you of something. there are many species of homicide, and under our jurisprudence, they range from excusable to justifiable homicide, to homicide taken in self defense. those kinds of homicide do not engender either criminal or moral responsibility for “murder.”
you and you ilk here are an amazing lot. you think that because you assert something, it is a foregone conclusion in terms of proof and persuasion.
you are very hamfisted, as befits a dutch burger, but you are not very intellectually adroit, not in my view. you simply cannot transcend you confusion as to what consititutes intellectual proof and persuasion, and what is simply bald faced accusation and assertion.
you have done a lot of gnawing on my hanks, rather ineffectually, i think and i do not see much blood drawn for all the baring of teeth.
john jay
# 67, jdheuvel:
because, they are no brighter than you, and they will not entertain comments (as far as i can figure out) from persons not registared to the web site.
and, for various reasons, i will not register there.
john jay
p.s. and, yes, stung to the quick.
# 78, herman zuigvriend:
it is a pleasure making your acquaintance.
i am assuming that you were a member of the dutch marines which is one of the elite fighting units in the world, and extremely well respected amongst the world’s militaries. you have much to be proud of for your service to holland, and to the civilization of the west.
i cannot advise you on dutch law in these regards, never having had recourse to dutch statute or case law on this subject.
you have kitchen knives, rolling pins made out of solid maple, and wine bottles. you also have skills in close order combat with edged weapons, and personal defense. i am assuming that it is not yet against the law in holland to possess such instruments, nor i would assume, would it be against the law to own an axe or a pick. or, a meat cleaver, for that matter.
and, i would expect that you might take comfort in the proposition that all dutch criminals are quite likely to respect those laws prohibiting them from owning firearms or other such impliments. and, of course, you take equal comfort that no enlightened dutch citizen or resident is likely to violate the privacy and sanctity of your abode.
herman, in my area of the united states, we have many dutch immigrants, legal and illegal. we still have the right to exercise our rights of free speech, and we still have the right to own firearms for our own protection, recreation and hunting purposes.
and, it is recognized by the supreme law of the land that the use of such firearms also encompasses the right of citizens to resist usurpation of their fundamental rights and liberties as against governmental tyranny.
this is the oregon that i live in.
and, such is hte dutch state that you live in.
john jay
De enige webverwijzingen naar deze meneer en zijn venerischeziekteorganisitie zijn de oorspronkelijke post op Daily Kos, VKBlog en Krapuul. Fascistje Geller noemt hem ook een keer, maar zoals het in die kringen gebuikelijk is zullen ze wel weer vechtend uiteen zijn gegaan.
Ik denk, jvdh, dat het inderdaad op tijdverspilling neerkomt en dat hij blijft jennen. Hij weet wie Jezus zou willen bombarderen. Sterkte met die wetenschap, kleine krullebol..
#63 is overigens een parodie
Well Jay, you are now in the spamfilter which means that you have plenty of time to think of well thougt thourough and respectful answers to other people’s questions and remarks. For example my question whether your still active for SIOA which I asked at least 3 times.
This means that you have no longer the freedom to write whatever you want, you have only the freedom to respond to all the stuff that a civilized participant in a civilized discussion already would have responded to.
I suggest that you keep it short and on topic. The topic is you write about killing people and you co-founded SIOA.
Write about that.
If all goes well I will get you out of the spamfilter.
Good luck
Einde oefening.
The intresting thing is that J.J.J. answers all questions exept mine .. he never denied he wants to kill Muslim me , my little Muslim son or my Muslim wife ..
He also had no answer to my remark about the Muslims and Jews in the countries reconquered by Christianity ..
J,J,J, your fellow Christian Timothy Mc Veigh saw it fit to kill Hundreds in Oklahoma City , not even because they where Muslim or Jew but because they ( or in the case ofthe childeren in the daycare center their parents ) where federal employees ..
You claim no connection with Mc Veigh ?? Why do you have the right to lump all Muslims together but can’t we lump all Christians together …
Hij beantwoordt helemaal niet alle vragen hoe kom je erbij. Hij doet alleen alsof.
# 74, jvdheuvel:
is this whole thing not going so well as you had planned?
# 79, jos:
ask an observant muslim, whether or not he would not answer the call to perform a jihad act if directed to do so by an imam or cleric of appropriate rank? ask him about individual “free will” or “conscience” under islam. make up you own mind on such matters, and stop making accusations against me.
# 75, jos:
the last link is an article on ayatollah fadlallah’s views on self defense, and hence islam’s views on self defense, and contains a link to his web site where you may read fatawa no. 10, part one, at your leisure. in the link to an index of my articles on self defense, you will find views from the torah, the talmud and other sources, as well as links to augustine and st. thomas.
john jay
afraid to put up the links on self defense? afraid your readers might read them? and, think for themselves.
john jay
afraid to put up my response(s) including the remarks re: st. thomas aquinas and st. augustine of hippo on the nature of “just war” and “self defense,” which i made in response to the “ten commandments” thread?
you appear reluctant to give your readers all the information you possess. is this because you know best, and they are not capable of making their own judgments?
john jay
p.s. i will not disturb your peaceful little world of smug contentments again. i do not want to be a bother. especially to those who do not want their thoughts disturbed.
“my readers” are perfectly capable to look up everything at your site if they by now have become your fan from what they read here.
The problem is, you obviously can’t read yourself. What point is a discussion if one of the participants chooses not to answer questions and instead talks his own stuff all the time.
What links are you talking about? Did I ask for links?
At 10:47 pm I gave you a perfectly clear instruction. You chose to ignore it.
Okay then. Bye.
you are the one who doesn’t quite get the drift of things.–
i don’t take instruction very well.–
your idea of “discussion is to beat about the head and shoulders with sticks while the other fellows hands are bound. you ask the questions, make the accusations, you set the rules, and you demand assent & concessions to accusations that are not substantiable.
you demand the right to beat up on the other fellow, and you demand that he not fight back.
and, if you do not get your way, you call names. it is a habit amongst the dutch, apparently, as all your little minions answer your lead. you are kind of a pendantic sissy, in other words.
come to my shop. its free speech there.
john jay
milton freewater, oregon usa
Ok Jay. Stop whining. you’re back. I see that the American Freedom Defense Initiative was founded in April this year. So I assume that you are still active with SIOA or have been active there till quite recently?
Do you work with Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer or are you just an innocent cosigner?
Could you work with us a little and respond to stuff a bit more?
Can you please confirm that you started the “name calling” and not me, and that my demand of “assent & concessions to accusations that are not substantiable” is really the question whether you’re still active for SIOA or not which I repeated 5 or 6 times?
SIOA mede-oprichter en bestuurslid – is gewoon een christelijke haatimam en zou voor de rechter moeten verschijnen.
Hier wel maar in USA hebben ze iets andere regels.
Nexus Schreef:
Het gebruiken van de term “Christenlijke Haat-Imam ” versterkt het PVV beeld dat de Islaam zo vol haat is en het Christendom zo “lief”dat er voor de omschrijving van een persoon als JJJ ( wat komt er na JJJ , juist KKK 😉 ) naar een “islamitische entiteit ” verwezen moet worden …. Als Moslim stoor ik mij aan dit soort “links gebruik van ultra rechtse termologie ”
Christelijke Haatzaaier is mijns inziens een betere term ..
Zolang er maar een duidelijk verschil is tussen haat-imam en imam lijkt me het gebruik van die vergelijk niet eens zo verkeerd. Stel dat ik moslim zou zijn bedoel ik.
john joseph jay Schreef:
I am an observant muslim so i can give the answers
A) You do not know anything about Islam otherwise you would not come with “imam or cleric of appropriate rank” , Despite what the Saudi slaves of your government claim : THERE IS NO ORGANIZED CLERGY IN ISLAM !!
Shia have more structure than Sunni but even among them following the “ayatullahs ” is a choiche , not a rule . Fatwa means Opinion !!! not Edict !!!
It is specificly stated that at the day of judgement you can not hide behind anybody , no “Imam “, no “Sheik” , No “Ayatullah ” so you will have to always check what those say against the teachings of the Prophet …
Imam can be anybody among a group of Muslims who ows the respect of his fellows for his knowledge , some states have this ‘structurized “since that solidifies the states powerbase , but that is statehood , not Islam .
So your statement that any Imam can call for Jihad is absolute poppycock …
And every muslim(a) is resposible for her/his individual deeds , to me that responsibility implies the freedom to choose which deeds one does so : Free Will !!!
You should listen to Muslims that have not been poisoned by the Dogs of Saud , Not to the puppets of the puppets of your government …
En zo weet ik dat in een Syrisch stadje waar de christenen in de meerderheid zijn de plaatselijke voetbalclub heel christelijk Jihad heet – zoiets als Oefening Baart Kunst, zeg maar, of Door Wilskracht Sterk of Sportief Zij Ons Streven.
Als die man zo goed weet hoe Nederlanders in elkaar steken zal hij het Nederlands ook wel machtig zijn.
mam can be anybody among a group of Muslims who ows the respect of his fellows for his knowledge
De schrijfster van “Islam voor beginners” heeft mij uitdrukkelijk verteld dat een imam “natuurlijk ook” een vrouw kan zijn.
ja jij kan ook imam worden 😎
@Al Bakrastani: “Als Moslim stoor ik mij aan dit soort “links gebruik van ultra rechtse termologie ”
Ik heb begrip hiervoor, wel probeer het eigen taal van de christelijke haatzaaiers afkomstig uit VVD en PVV te gebruiken.
ik gebruik op mijn blog JUIST rechtse geenstijlterminologie
niks zo fijn als mensen hun eigen stront in hun eigen bek te smeren 😈
bakra stelt zich aan en begint een beetje de cliché van een paar jaar terug dat moslims lange tenen hebben te bevestigen
stelletje flapdrollen
deze tekst is gewoon weer een zielige leugen om wilders in slecht daglicht te stellen.
Deze MOSKEE is een zware belediging tegen het christelijke geloof in de V.S.
Je bent zelf een leugenaar. Deze tekst klopt 100%.
je kunt wilders niet in een slecht daglicht stellen .
het daglicht in een adem noemen met wilders is al een vorm van demonisering van het daglicht.
Lachen? Ik ben lachen 😛 Yep de islamisering mythe is zo veel gek. ❗
Je kan lezen en Engels op de website http://www.loonwatch.com inclusief van Geert Wilders.
Ik vind de bevorderen van geweld moet worden vermeden. Niemand wil op deze websites van geweld bevorderen. Islam is niet een gewelde godsdienst, dit is een mythe.
No one promotes violence on Loon Watch, or here, or my blog – but you!
Geert Wilders, niets Islam, is de bedreiging van de Nederland en Europa.
Ik denk dat de Nederlanders en Nederland met Wilders in gevaar zijn. Nederland zal de vrijheid van godsdienst en verloren – en Nederlanders zullen zijn vrijheid verloren!
De Nederlanders moeten dat de islamisering van Nederland en Europa is een slechte verhaal begrijpen, een mythe voor gek mensen.
Only crackpots and crazy people believe in the Islamification myth – when exposed to the demographic data about Muslims in the Netherlands and Europe! Dutch Muslims are not a threat to anyone – and have even been an asset in keeping Dutch society safe in combating terrorism and radicalization! As I wrote above it Dutch – it’s Wilders that is a threat to Dutch society and freedom of the Dutch people with his bad myth promotion about non-existent “islamification.”
Wij moeten voor menselijkenrechten op spreken – we must speak out for our human rights!
Geert Wilders is een bedreiging voor de nederlandse samenleving. It is Geert Wilders that is dangerous to Dutch society!
I am a learner of Dutch, which is like English, but closer to German. I made mistakes here- I’m sorry ( 🙄 sorry hoor!) ! Also Dutch is a wonderful language – don’t offend Dutch speakers!
What are equally crazy parts of the Islamification myths are those about the European Union expressed by “John.” That said, last November I received my Master’s in National Security studies, European concentration. I have studied all sort association agreements, mainly as they relate to Eastern Europe and Russia – and the Euro-Med agreements are NO different from other agreements – and relations between Arab nations and the EU have been strained recently after the spat between Switzerland and Libya.
Part of the EU’s global activity is to enter into such agreements with nations and regions of the world, which include Latin America, Africa and individual nations which include trade, aid, social and cultural cooperation (Russia) – and the Euro-Med Agreement (http://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/external_relations/relations_with_third_countries/mediterranean_partner_countries/r14104_en.htm) appear like those of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreements of East Europe (http://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/external_relations/relations_with_third_countries/eastern_europe_and_central_asia/r17002_en.htm ). For those nations that qualify, such agreements can be a path toward EU membership.
Any one who understands the basics of how the European Union carries out its foreign policies will recognize the Euro-Med Agreements are no different from other EU agreements, like the Partnership and Cooperation Agreements of East Europe – and there is NO conspiracy about them.
I’m also an American social democrat – and I love Job Cohen. Ik ben ook een sociaal-democraat – en ik hou van ook Job Cohen. I’m also well aware that I, as a social democratic American, could be targeted in the future years, the way things are going in this country. I also want a social democratic America, were the national wealth is for everyone and – iemand telt mee – everyone counts ! 😎
Excellentie Zwembad Schreef:
Ik ” Stoor me ” aan deze thermologie omdat hij de PVV vooroordelen over Islaam bevestigen .. Wat die lange tenen betreft , als je onder “vrienden ” niet kan zeggen dat iets je stoort en waarom ….. waar kan het dan wel …
Excellentie Zwembad Schreef:
Hem in het kader van licht een “zwart gat ” noemen demoniseert het zwarte gat al ..
ok ok ….je moet je vrijelijk kunnen storen
maar haatimam is voor mij een favoriete term voor wilders
ineens bedenk ik me daat haatpruik ook een leuke variatie is op haatbaard
ik gebruik ook strotvoddentax en dergelijke
en een imam heeft zoveel gezag als hij volgelingen heeft.
in tegenstelling tot een priester
dus haatimam past juist bij wilders
Ik gebruik zelf meestal baardhater ipv Haatpruik
Ik praat trouwens zelf trots over mijn “kopvodvrouwtje ” Geuzennaam geworden 🙂
@ Al Bakrastani:
I would recommend three books that help understand European Muslims and the decentralized nature of Islam.
Jytte Klausen – The Islamic Challange – 2005 – Oxford University Press
Centre for European Policy Studies – European Islam: Challanges for Society and Pubic Policy – 2007
A really good book is Olivier Roy – Globalized Islam – 2004 – Colombia U. Press – where Roy explains how Islam is actually a minority religion and how Muslim communities adopt different social norms based on the prevailing local culture. This includes in the Netherlands among Dutch Muslims – and you can read the Dutch Justice Ministry’s report of Sharia law practice (or lack of) in English – http://english.wodc.nl/images/1900_Summary_tcm45-266259.pdf
According to Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin:
“The Netherlands has no sharia courts. Due to the ethnic and religious diversity among Dutch Muslim groups, the existence of an official lawgiving institute for all Muslims in the Netherlands is equally unlikely. ”
With this kind of diversity, where is the evidence that “Muslim are taking over Netherlands” as espoused by Geert Wilders ❓
I also have other English language reports that indicate the the Netherlands is in no danger of “islamisering” anytime soon.
Islam is a decentralized religion – like Protestantism – and why is is that the VVD party, which is like the Libertarians in American politics, should now embrace the PVV’s notion that it’s government’s business to tell Dutch people what religion they can and cannot practice — is a sad development for Dutch nation and society!
We hear from Wilders that “millions of Muslims cause problems…” what then is the solution – gas and ovens?
@ Eslaporte
I know the “Dutch Muslim community ” , to splintered to even get a TV station together .. divided among ethnic lines with all their own mosques …
Only most Salafis and many Sufis cross ethnic lines often …
Gets me “homesick” for the US mixed communities sometimes , Alas , they took my green card last time i visited ….
We hear from Wilders that “millions of Muslims cause problems…” what then is the solution – gas and ovens?
in fact deportations. but that was how hitler started.
the solution of killing them all was because the war. the could not deport them .
i dont see holland attacking our neigbours so this solution is not going to happen.
but this is evil enough . Wilders is also a big fan of Guantanamo Bay; he wants to have something like that in the netherlands to lock up ‘potential terrorists’ without seeig a judge .
But somehow that does not give people the creeps 😯
That is because they cannot imagine themselves being victims of the power they crave for against “the others”.
When they came for the communists…
we are all others
JULLIE zijn in dit geval de haatzaaiers.
sioa Schreef:
Bedankt voor het compliment SOA 🙂
Nee effe serieus hoor 🙂
Die SIOA knakker schrijft over mensen doodmaken dat komt ie hier in eigen persoon bevestigen en dan zijn wij “in dit geval de haatzaaiers”?
Wilders is, dat blijkt uit alles, goeie vriendjes met de SIOA – er is alom wederzijdse bewondering. Een van de hoofdmannen van de SIOA oppert op zijn minst de mogelijkheid om massaal moslims af te slachten, mannen, vrouwen en kinderen. Wat is er nu nog niet duidelijk? Wanneer wordt wél erkend dat de PVV echt niet kan? Hoe kunnen leden van CDA en VVD nog rustig slapen met een dergelijke medeplichtigheid in de vorm van een gedoogsteun?
# 110, eslaporte:
i apologize for the formatting jumble in this article. my poor old computer & its program simply will not digest as the different code from all the imported articles.
but, in contrast to your assurances that muslim immigration into europe is not of significance:
and, this document, dated 10.06.2009 from the euro union commission to the euro union parliament, from mr. barroso, president of the eu commission, setting forth the estimates of the number of immigrants to be brough in at 50 million persons between calendar years 2008 and 2060. http://ec.europa.eu/archives/commission_2004-2009/index_en.htm
the site has been archived, no doubt to facilitate access to it, but, i am sure that you can dig it out in the interests of truth. eh, “jvdheuvel?”
john jay
jvdheuvel Schreef:
Daar meende ik ook al iets te missen. Hij is toch erg allerlei gewelddadige aktiviteiten aan het promoten en komt dan piepen over gewelddadige moslims. En nog wel vanuit de VS. Daar is het niets nieuws als een groep mensen een heel continent overneemt en de bestaande bevolking in reservaten opsluit. En een land dat al tientallen jaren permanent in oorlog is ook nog. Wie is er nou gewelddadig?
eslaporte # 10:
you ever heard the expression “judas goat.” it is a nice little friendly goat, loved by all the cows, that they hang a nice little cheery bell around, and all the cows just follow it obediently into the kill chute at the slaughter house.
for this, the goat is paid quite handsomely. purina goat chow, and life.
the same you will probably be getting as a euro union bureaucrat. you just keep feeding them the same old tired line about how the muslims get along in holland, the muslims will just keep burning the cars and raping dutch women by the droves, and the dutch cows will just follow the “judas goats” placidly right into the kill shoots.
jvdheuvel # 127:
i am still getting referrels at my blog with reference to the articles on self defense, and with reference to the islamization of europe by islam. sometimes they get translated into turkish, of all things. odd that.
apparently even at this blog, some of your readers are not prepared to ingest the swill that you puke out for them, 😥 😥 😥 , you clever little fellow, you. yes, it must be tough leading the cows to “truth,” but you and eslaporte keep at it.
oh, tomorrow is september 11, 2010 in the united states, and on the tenth anniversary of the jihad terror attacks on the world trade center emotions run pretty high against islam. americans are in no ways inclined to appeasement as your euro’s, which to my mind indicates that we will be around considerably longer then you, as both of us are presently constituted.
and, yes, i see that you have done relatively little to take the wind from mr. wilders’ sails. the only thing i regret in that in defeating you wilders may save you from your own cowardice.
cheers, big fellow. have a pleasant day.
john jay
milton freewater, oregon usa
I doubt it. We Europeans have been around thousands of years and you US people only a couple of hundred.
@ John Jay, je mag ook gewoon in het Nederlands schrijven hoor. Je zinsopbouw verraad je.
A jvdh, zijn trouwens bijna allemaal uitgeweken Europeanen. De term red blooded Ametican klopt voor geen meter. Ze bedoelen er ‘echte’ Amerkanen mee, die in werkelijkheid uitgeweken Europeanen zijn. De echte Amerikanen zitten allemaal in reservaten 🙁
jvdheuvel #130 :
as a matter of fact you europeans have not been around as contiguous cultural entities for 1,000’s of years, though europe has been populated for a long time.
european nation states enjoy very little more longevity than the united states, the german principalities and duchies and whatever consolidating into german statehood relatively recently. and, hoch deutsch is an academic invention imposed over various dialects, and not really organically derivitive of them.
dutch “nationhood.” hey, ask the spanish, or the french, or the germanic tribes what they think about that. belgium. news to the “phlegms.”
you have not much history of nation statehood at all. paradoxically, since all of you hear are such flaming adherents of the supra euro state, what you do have is a long history of tribal and ethnic associations, around which national identity was fabricated.
this is an irony that will be entirely lost on all of you dogmatic dullards. it will not “process” in your feeble little minds.
oh, you little tin horns might be interested in this. this day, 09.11.2010 the tenth anniversary of the jihad attack upon new york’s world trade center, dutch parliamentarian geert wilders spoke before a very enthusiastic crowd estimated at upwards of 40,000 people, and that may go up as photos & such come in, receptive to hear his remarks on how to fight the imposition of sharia upon western society.
it seems that all your little schemes to divide wilders from his american supporters were to no avail. and, i think another surprise may be in store for you. rather than diminishing wilders’s stature amongst the dutch populace, i think you will find that wilders’s stature as an international spokesman about islam will increase in western societies.
anyone want to take any bets that wilders is not prime minister of holland within 3 years?
john jay
milton freewater, oregon usa
JJ , you are such a funny desperate man , 400 max is what the most Wilders minded media said … Is lying about how many people Christian Taqiyya ? or where your eyes swimming with tears of joy to see the new Führer of your Nazi’s for Christ speak ???
Geller heeft het over 40.000 ik neem aan dat hij daar zijn “informatie” vandaan haalt.
Overigens heb ik elders 1000 a 2000 man gehoord. Niet dat het mij wat uitmaakt al waren het er een miljoen. Het gaan om een ruimtelijke ordeningsvraagstuk in NY. Ver van mijn bed.
john jay Schreef:
Yeah, come here, man
Tenslotte, als Nederlandse burger ben ik verder niet van plan om deze crimineel in Engelse taal toe te spreken waar hij dient, als hij met ons wil communiceren, eerst een inburgeringscursus te gaan volgen en daarna goed Nedetands ter overstaan van ons te gaan gebruiken.
Nederlands spreken en schrijven a.u.b.!!!
leuk om te zien was dat de Wildersfan-pers van Spitss en de Perss helemaal geen aantallen noemde , wat al bewijst dat het wel heel weinig is geweest .. Wilders protesteert tegen een project van kennisen van me dus niet zo ver van mijn bed 😉
al bakrastani, # 134:
jvdheuvel, # 135:
as to the size of the crowd, find pictures and a first hand account of the picture taker at this link: http://www.lookingattheleft.com/ .
if it doesn’t hypelink, just type it in in the command bar. but, the photographer describes 3 full city blocks filled with persons at the rally, and you see for yourself how densely packed the crowd was listening to geller, wilder and joseph nassrallah, and egyptian copt who has lived “under” moslem rule his whole life.
nexus, # 137:
you want to put $5.00 on it, that is five entire u.s. dollars? laughing. how much is that in dutch money? what is dutch money, krona?
no smart assed remarks on dutch nationalism? european nationalism? it was there a long time before wilders, adn it will be there a long time after you & i & wilders are dust. simple fact.
john jay
milton freewater, oregon usa
Betrouwbare bron: 800 a 1000 mensen aanwezig. Meer niet.
@john jay I understand that you don’t read dutch but my remark above is that I couldn’t care less about the numbers even if it was a million.
It’s municipal politics in NY. Of no relevance to me.
jvdheuvel, #143
you whistle in the dark. laughing. and, piss in the wind. laughing. but, these petty little “municipal affairs” around the world are going to rock holland, and your privileged position in it.
simply put, events move past you, and you cannot stop them. the dialectic is going to synthesize you right out of relevance. nothing personal. just process.
keira, # 142.
i do not read dutch, for sure. but, i would essay the guess you have said, “besides, 800 to 1000 person, not more, at any rate.”
which attitudes illustrate why although new york was anything but “municipal politics” to the dutch at one time, it has become so. you don’t count “so good.” laughing.
wilders confounds you, because you don’t understand him, or, more precisely, given your ideological blinders, you are incapable of understanding him. you don’t fathom his appeal to the dutch, nor to the americans, nor to the brits, and you don’t have an inkling as to why the dutch will respect him and react with pride to his role in the protest against the “cordoba project” mosque.
it does not fit into your dogma, therefor it cannot exist with any legitimacy, these lunatic muttering from me and your countrymen. this is your failing, btw, and not mine.
john jay
p.s. well, enough of this. i have matters of importance to attend to.
And your failing is that you write about killing muslims and liberals. So you are the lunatic, not us.
I think we have to end our “conversation” with that serial…answerer JJ, because it is blinding. Thank you for that entertainment JJ.
If JJ want’s to continue feel free to contact at the apropriate site:
http://www.tariqramadan.com. Mr Ramadan for sure will be glad to serve you kindly and will have some time for you.
Otherwise I ‘ll have to invoice that dear answerer JJ for the time I’ve had used and spilled with him..
That’s funny, “siao” roughly means “crazy” in a Chinese dialect. It fits the crazy SIOAners.
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