The White Stripes met een tekst die Randy Newman had kunnen schrijven. De protagonist lijkt een huilende vrouw te willen troosten, maar al snel bekruipt je het gevoel dat hij oneerbare bijbedoelingen heeft.
Noot: collega Laurent twijfelt geen seconde. Niks “gevoel”. Dit is een regelrechte klootzak die misbruik maakt van een kwetsbare vrouw. Punt.
Hey, little apple blossom
What seems to be the problem?
All the ones you tell your troubles to
They don’t really care for you
Come and tell me what you’re thinking
‘Cause just when the boat is sinking
A little light is blinking
And I will come and rescue you
Lots of girls walk around in tears
But that’s not for you
You’ve been looking all around for years
For someone to tell your troubles to
Come and sit with me and talk awhile
Let me see your pretty little smile
Put your troubles in a little pile
And I will sort ‘em out for you
Lots of girls walk around in tears
But that’s not for you
You’ve been looking all around for years
For someone to tell your troubles to
Come and sit with me and talk awhile
Let me see your pretty little smile
Put your troubles in a little pile
And I will sort them out for you
I’ll fall in love with you
I think I’ll marry you
Uitgelichte afbeelding: By Fabio Venni from London, UK; modified by anetode – White Stripes, CC BY-SA 2.0,