Folkklassieker du jour: Enola Gay

Enola Gay, de naam van het vliegtuig waaruit de bom op Hirosjima werd gegooid, 71 jaar geleden. Utah Phillips leidt het in met een verhaal over christen-anarchist Ammon Hennacy. De commentaren op de vindplaats horen bij het volk dat wellicht Trump tot president gaat kiezen binnenkort, niet kijken raad ik u aan.

Look out, look out from your schoolroom window,
Look up young children from your play,
Wave your hand at the shining airplane
Such a beautiful sight is Enola Gay.

It’s many a mile from the Utah desert,
To Tinian Island far away,
Standing guard by the barbed wire fences
That hide the secret of Enola Gay.

High above the clouds in the sunlit silence,
So peaceful here, I’d like to stay,
But there’s many a pilot who would swap his pension
For a chance to fly Enola Gay.

What is that sound high above my city?
I rush outside and search the sky.
Now we are running to find the shelter.
The air raid sirens start to cry.

What will I say when my children ask me
Where was I flying upon that day?
With trembling voice I gave the order
To the bombardier of Enola Gay.

Look out, look out from your schoolroom window,
Look up, young children from your play,
Your bright young eyes will turn to ashes
In the blinding light of Enola Gay.

I turn to see the fireball rising,
“My God, My God” all I can say,
I hear a voice within me crying,
My mother’s name was Enola Gay.

Look out, look out from your schoolroom window,
Look up, young children from your play;
When you see those war planes flying,
Each one is named Enola Gay.

Utah Phillips op een/het Utah Folk Music Revival Festival

Versie van Jim Lundy