Wilders belt Lieberman: “Stop de Egyptische revolutie, het was maar een studentenrelletje.”

Hello Avigdor. How are you? This is Geert speaking!

Hello dear Friend! Are you still in control of the Dutch government?

Oh, yes. No problem here. They eat out of my hand. They lick my fingers every day. But, Avi, are YOU still in control? I am in trouble because of the Egyptian hoax. Your government seems to suffer from weak knees, today!

Hoax? Geert, what did you discover?

Well, I watched 30 Arabian TV programs and I am convinced now, that this whole Tahrir Place manifestation is no popular revolution at all. Just some students at the American University from around the corner. Why did you drop Mubarak so soon? You were fooled by Al-Jazeera and Obama. And you made me look like a fool here in Holland.

But, calm down, Geert, dear friend! You looking like a fool, that is nothing new. You always tell me, that the Dutch appreciate that. But how come, that you think, that the Egyptian developments are a hoax?

-Well. I’ll tell you Avigdor! At this moment I am sending you a fax. The big Dutch on-line news service NU.nl already last week made the following statement:

“Laat je niet voor de gek houden. Al die mensen die je op het Tahrirplein voor de camera’s van Al Jazeera zag, zaten om de hoek op school op de American Univesity. Dat is dus niet de gemiddelde Egyptenaar. Mensen denken altijd dat wat je ziet, dat dat het is.”

I’ll translate it for you:

Don’t be fooled. All those people you saw on the Tahrir Place on the Al Jazeera cameras, they are nothing more than students at the American University from around the corner. They are not the common Egyptian at all. People always think that what you see, is what it is.”

That’s amazing, Geert. The whole world, including me and my government, have been a victim of a manipulation?

Yes! Yes! You should immediately stop this, send Mubarak back to Cairo and engage my friend the arabarbarist Hans Jansen to guide the Muslim Friars who will be in charge soon.

I am looking at your fax, Geert. Tell me, who is the source of that statement at Nu.nl?

Me! Of course!

My friend, did you see your shrink recently? There might be a court-circuit in your head. As soon as the provincial elections will be over, take some time with him or her.  And remember well: Our policy is not there, to accommodate you. No, you are around, to accommodate ours.

TUUT, TUUT, Tuuu……

13 gedachten over “Wilders belt Lieberman: “Stop de Egyptische revolutie, het was maar een studentenrelletje.””

  1. “court-circuit”… als het geen bedoelde spelfout is, is ie leuk en zo ja, dan ook 😀 😀

  2. Short circuit. :mrgreen:

    “Court-circuit” is kortsluiting omdat je voor de rechtbank (court) moet verschijnen. 🙂 (Stiekem toch leuk dus.)

  3. …en “circuit coUrt” met een U dus… (kennelijk is deze post een spelfoutenmangeet 😛 )

  4. O ja, “circuit courts” zijn gerechtshoven die in de USA rondreizen….
    Ik ben te veel verfranst. Een “court-circuit” is kortsluiting in het Frans zoals dat in Brussel wordt gesproken.
    Ik zoek m’n Engelse woordenboek 😀

  5. Oonlie zing ai em wondering ebaut: dee boos spiek Hiebroe, doont dee? So waai woet dee spiek inglisj toe ietsodder?

  6. @11: Biekos hie is prèktissing for his boek (witsj dussent sjoet up).

    @12: Hoera, U heeft één StickHorsie™ BonusPunt gewonnen!!! *ka-tsjing!* (En nóg eentje als je kunt onderbouwen of het per ongeluk of expres is. 😉 )

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