Hulde! Twitter gaat hard optreden tegen de clowns die desinformatie verspreiden over het coronavirus:
Update: we’re expanding our safety rules to include content that could place people at a higher risk of transmitting COVID-19.
Now, we will require people to remove Tweets that include the following:
— Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) March 18, 2020
Content that increases the chance that someone contracts or transmits the virus, including:
– Denial of expert guidance
– Encouragement to use fake or ineffective treatments, preventions, and diagnostic techniques
– Misleading content purporting to be from experts or authorities— Twitter Safety (@TwitterSafety) March 18, 2020
Ik mag hopen dat Twitter alle hoaxers, onruststokers, nepdeskundigen en paniekzaaiers op straat bonjourt. Het eerste prominente slachtoffer is mogelijk al gevallen. Het account van Telegrof-riooljournalist Marcel Vink is geschorst. Good riddance.