De Republikeinse senator Marco Rubio heeft opgeroepen de (gekozen) Venezolaanse president Maduro te vermoorden. Rubio plaatste op Twitter foto’s van Gaddafi die vermoord wordt door een lynchmob:
— Marco Rubio (@marcorubio) February 24, 2019
Rubio noemt Maduro niet, maar had daarvoor uitgebreid getweet over Venezuela. De link is dan ook duidelijk.
Gaddafi werd op 20 oktober 2011 in de Libische stad Sirti vermoord door islamistische rebellen die gesteund werden door het Westen, iets wat inmiddels geruisloos uit de geschiedenis is geschreven. Zijn laatste momenten waren gruwelijk:
A mob grew around Gaddafi as he was frog-marched through the sand. While he was being taken towards a group of rebel trucks, one fighter crouched in the dirt behind the frightened captive and sodomised him with a bayonet….
Blood from the vanquished leader’s various wounds was now caking his shirt. Blows rained down on him. Every one of his captors seemed to want a piece of the hobbled tyrant. Things were slipping fast out of control….
Around this time, someone filmed the gruesome shot of what seemed to be a mortally wounded Gaddafi, an image that would quickly be broadcast worldwide.
De reacties op Rubio’s snuff foto’s waren niet kinderachtig:
The Venezuelan opposition’s most ardent cheerleader is a bloodthristy crackpot. For most of the peoples of the world this pic represents the destruction of a nation, slave auctions, civil war. For Rubio it’s a gloating message 2 Venezuela. Toe the line or we’ll do this to you too
— Lizzie Phelan (@LizziePhelan) February 24, 2019
Voor één keer zijn wij het zelfs eens met Wikileaks:
Because nothing says human rights like gloating over a human being getting sodomized to death with a bayonet.
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) February 24, 2019
Anderen wezen erop dat Libië nou niet meteen een schoolvoorbeeld is van een geslaagde humanitaire interventie:
Marco Rubio just posted photos of Gaddafi being lynched in an open death threat to Maduro. Libya is now a slave state thanks to US. Fuck you Marco, you’re a deranged piece of shit who should immediately resign
— Abby Martin (@AbbyMartin) February 24, 2019
NATO worked with al-Qaeda-aligned extremists to overthrow the once prosperous, oil-rich nation of Libya and turn it into a failed state with open-air slave markets.
Imperialist sadist Rubio is now threatening Venezuela with the same death and destruction.
— Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton) February 24, 2019