Echte socialisten, ze bestaan. Nou ja, niet in Nederland, natuurlijk, maar wél in Groot-Brittanië. Het gloednieuw Lagerhuislid Laura Pidcock haalde in haar maiden speech hard uit naar het Lagerhuis én het bezuinigingsbeleid dat de afgelopen jaren gevoerd werd.
De nieuwe Labour MP Laura Pidcock. Op zo’n moment houd ik zo enorm van de Britten. Ondenkbaar in Nederland
— Joris Luyendijk (@jorisluyendijk) June 29, 2017
Pidcock over het Lagerhuis: “It reeks of the establishment and of power; its systems are confusing – some may say archaic – and it was built at a time when my class and my sex would have been denied a place within it because we were deemed unworthy”.
Over haar Conservatieve collega’s aan de overkant: “But the most frustrating thing has been to sit opposite those people who tell me that things are better, and that suffering has lessened for my constituents. I would like them to come and tell the people who have been sanctioned that things are better. I would like them to tell that to the teacher in my constituency who was recently made redundant. I would like them to talk to the 16,500 people in County Durham in receipt of food parcels. I would like them to talk to the nurses, the junior doctors and the firefighters — come and tell them that years of austerity have improved their practice or their profession”.
Meer hier op de Jijbuis. Helaas zonder ondertiteling, al is het goed te volgen. De speech is inmiddels 225.000 keer gedeeld op sociale media. Wie zei hier dat het socialisme dood was?