De jonge Jonathan Richman had wat moeite toenadering te zoeken tot meisjes. Richman zou later zeggen dat hij tijdens de pubertijd een klassiek muurbloempje was: onzeker en altijd bang om afgewezen te worden. Nee, dan Pablo Picasso: die hoefde maar over straat te lopen of de vrouwen vielen bij bosjes in katzwijm aan zijn voeten. Althans, volgens een stikjaloerse Richman op deze schitterende, geestige song van het klassieke debuutalbum The Modern Lovers.
Well some people try to pick up girls
And get called assholes
This never happened to Pablo Picasso
He could walk down your street
And girls could not resist his stare and
So Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole
Well the girls would turn the color
Of the avocado when he would drive
Down their street in his El Dorado
He could walk down your street
And girls could not resist his stare
Pablo Picasso never got called an asshole
Not like you
Well he was only 5’3″
But girls could not resist his stare
Pablo Picasso never got called an asshole
Not in New York
Oh well be not schmuck, be not obnoxious
Be not bellbottom bummer or asshole
Remember the story of Pablo Picasso
He could walk down your street
And girls could not resist his stare
Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole
Alright this is it
Some people try to pick up girls
And they get called an asshole
This never happened to Pablo Picasso
He could walk down your street
And girls could not resist his stare and so
Pablo Picasso was never called…