Vlad de Waanzinnige valt Oekraïense kerncentrale aan

Russische eenheden hebben afgelopen nacht de Oekraïense kerncentrale Zaporizja, bij de stad Enerhoda, bestookt. Toen brandweerlieden probeerden de brand te blussen, werden ook zij onder vuur genomen en gedwongen zich terug te trekken. Het is niet duidelijk of de brand inmiddels volledig onder controle is.

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Uit de reacties:
Timestamps of some events 1:21:22 Start 1:22:30 Vehicle got hit 1:31:53 Shots 1:43:20 Missile/tank shot at the building 1:48:59 1:49:45 Shots 1:53:47 1:54:17 Shots 1:57:33 Shots 2:06:51 Flare, you can see how many Combat vehicles are there 2:19:52 2:23:40 More shots at the building 2:34:41 2:35:44 RPG(?) shot at the main building with camera 2:38:17 Shots 2:48:31 Another RPG shot 3:12:33 Shots at the building again 3:20:00 Fire truck approaching 3:23:05 4 more fire trucks on the horizon 3:27:35 Fire trucks can’t access the fire, turning around and leaving 3:31:06 More shots at the building Nothing really happened after that. Stream started lagging, probably because cables got damaged in the fire or stream got DDOSed.
Uitgelichte afbeelding: By Kremlin.ru, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=37564928