The Band: The Band

Van BlueSky:
De uitdaging is om 20 albumhoezen te kiezen die je sterk hebben beïnvloed. Een platenhoes per dag, gedurende 20 dagen. Geen uitleg, geen beoordelingen. Alleen covers. Hoes 20: The Band – The Band (1969).
De naamloze lp komt na Music from Big Pink, die had ik ook kunnen kiezen, maar deze is net wat rijker gevuld om het zomaar eens uit te drukken. Embarras du choix bij dit laatste album. Het worden deze twee:

Corn in the fields.
Listen to the rice when the wind blows ‘cross the water,
King Harvest has surely come

I work for the union ‘cause she’s so good to me;
And I’m bound to come out on top,
That’s where she said I should be
I will hear every word the boss may say,
For he’s the one who hands me down my pay
Looks like this time I’m gonna get to stay,
I’m a union man, now, all the way

The smell of the leaves,
From the magnolia trees in the meadow,
King Harvest has surely come

A dry summer, and then come fall,
Which I depend on most of all
Hey, rainmaker, can’t you hear the call?
Please let these crops grow tall!
Long enough I’ve been up on Skid Row
And it’s plain to see, I’ve nothin’ to show
I’m glad to pay those union dues,
Just don’t judge me by my shoes

A scarecrow in a yellow moon,
Pretty soon, the carnival on the edge of town,
King Harvest has surely come

Last year, this time, wasn’t no joke,
My whole barn went up in smoke
My horse Jethro, well, he went mad
And I can’t ever remember things bein’ that bad
Now here comes a man with a paper and pen
Tellin’ us our hard times are about to end
And then, if they don’t give us what we like
He said, “Men, that’s when you gotta go on strike!”

Corn in the fields
Listen to the rice when the wind blows ‘cross the water,
King Harvest has surely come

King Harvest (has surely come)

Rag Mama rag, I can’t believe its true
Rag Mama rag, what did you do?
I crawled up to the railroad track
Let the 4:19 scratch my back

Sag Mama sag, what’s come over you
Rag Mama rag, I’m pullin’ out your gag
Gonna turn you loose like an old caboose
Got a tail I need to drag
I ask about your turtle
And you ask about the weather
I can’t jump a hurdle and
We can’t get together
We could be relaxin’
In my sleepin’ bag
But all you want to do for me, Mama, is

Rag Mama rag, there’s no where to go
Rag Mama rag, come on, rosin up the bow

Rag Mama rag, where do you roam
Rag Mama rag, bring your skinny little body back home
It’s dog eat dog and cat eat mouse
You can rag Mama rag all over my house

Hailstones beatin’ on the roof
The bourbon is a hundred proof
And you and me and the telephone
Our destiny is quite well known
We don’t need to sit and brag
All we gotta do is rag, Mama, rag, Mama, rag

Rag Mama rag, where do you roam
Rag Mama rag, bring your skinny little body back home

Rag Mama rag