Pornopunk, afkomstig van Raw Power, een van de smerigste albums uit de geschiedenis van de rock ’n roll (en een absolute klassieker). De eerste mix werd verzorgd door Iggy zélf, maar die bleek er een zooitje van te hebben gemaakt. Bowie – die Iggy even daarvoor letterlijk uit de goot geraapt had – probeerde te redden wat er te redden viel en mixte in één dag de hele zaak opnieuw in een goedkope studio in LA.
Bowie zou zich later herinneren dat “…….the most absurd situation I encountered when I was recording was the first time I worked with Iggy Pop. He wanted me to mix Raw Power, so he brought the 24-track tape in, and he put it up. He had the band on one track, lead guitar on another and him on a third. Out of 24 tracks there were just three tracks that were used. He said ‘see what you can do with this’. I said, ‘Jim, there’s nothing to mix’. So we just pushed the vocal up and down a lot. On at least four or five songs that was the situation, including “Search and Destroy.” That’s got such a peculiar sound because all we did was occasionally bring the lead guitar up and take it out”.