Krapuul in English: St. Geert Wilders, a Loony Prophet from Holland

Wilders Geller applauding LA 09Nu Wilders het niet meer gaat maken in Nederland, worden de internationale verbindingen des te interessanter. Krapuul turns to English and informs our US friends about the loony racist Wilders, as he is to be celebrated as the “new Churchill” (! :)) in Los Angeles, May 1st next, at the launch of a new movie: “Islam Rises”.

De hysterica Pamela Geller and thee unstoppable idiot Robert Spencer zullen van ons nog een poepie ruiken!

(Photo: Pamela Geller en Robert Spencer feliciteren Geert Wilders met zijn racistische speech, L.A., mei 2009)

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At Home in Europe [EN]: L.A., May 1st: Spencer and Geller Celebrate St. Geert Wilders, a Loony Prophet from Holland.

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