Jeugdige klimaatactivisten zijn goed om mooie sier mee te maken: “we listeren naar jullie hoor”.
Prachtig om te zien en te horen hoe Jamie Margolin en Greta Thunberg de padden (excuses aan deze amfibieën) van het Congres te woord staan.
“Hoe kun je je kinderen in de ogen kijken?”
“Ja maar de kosten.” Jamie en Greta houden stand.
Een verhaal, voorlopig via twit te vinden.
.@Jamie_Margolin: "I'm missing a lot of school to be here. It's my senior year of high school. I have college application deadlines looming over me and to be honest, I've barely even started because I'm too busy fighting to make sure that I'm actually going to have the future."
— The Hill (@thehill) September 18, 2019
You can literally see how @GretaThunberg can’t understand how the chairman of the committee on climate change can ask her such a stupid question:
“Why should we listen to the science?”
This is from today’s testimony in Congress by four young climate activists.
[THREAD 1/11]— Michael Flammer ??? (@Jumpsteady) September 18, 2019
This is @Jamie_Margolin with one of her many great statements today:
"Right now it’s like members of government and some corporations are actively pointing a gun at children’s futures. And this is horrifying and it feels like a betrayal.”
[THREAD 2/11]— Michael Flammer ??? (@Jumpsteady) September 18, 2019
This is @BenjiBacker speaking in front of the committee on climate change of the US Congress:
“There is actually a lot of opportunity here, that we have time. Science says so.”
To all: Don’t be mistaken here. He is wrong. We don’t have time!
[THREAD 3/11]— Michael Flammer ??? (@Jumpsteady) September 18, 2019
Representative Graves asks @GretaThunberg directly:
“If your sailing across the ocean and you’re picking up trash along the way, and for everyone one piece of trash that you pick up, there is a boat next to you dumping out 5 pieces. How would that make you feel?"
[THREAD 4/11]— Michael Flammer ??? (@Jumpsteady) September 18, 2019
Graves and Backer act just like a team. @BenjiBacker supports claims that all necessary emissions reductions could be achieved without 100% renewables and makes this statement based on the IPCC reports. Just building a case to strengthen US fossil fuel production.
[THREAD 5/11]— Michael Flammer ??? (@Jumpsteady) September 18, 2019
Representative @USRepKCastor points out, that “the US is currently the second highest ranking emitter in the world, annually. And although we rank no. 2 now, the US is responsible for the most carbon pollution accumulated in the atmosphere.”
[THREAD 6/11]
Backer answers on that.— Michael Flammer ??? (@Jumpsteady) September 18, 2019
@Jamie_Margolin asks the council members directly:
“When your children ask you: Did you do absolutely everything in your power to stop the #ClimateCrisis? Can you really look them in the eye and say: Sorry, but the other countries. This is shameful and cowardly.”
[THREAD 7/11]— Michael Flammer ??? (@Jumpsteady) September 18, 2019
@RepCarolMiller favours innovation over taxation and gives @BenjiBacker more neoliberal talking time.
“If we put regulations on different industries we’re not going to be solving the problem. We need to innovate our way out of the climate change problem.”
[THREAD 8/11]— Michael Flammer ??? (@Jumpsteady) September 18, 2019
@Jamie_Margolin about saving the amazon rainforest:
“Albert Einstein defined insanity as trying to solve an issue with the same thing that caused it. We’re trying to colonise and buy'n'sell our way out of a problem, caused by colonisation and buying and selling.”
[THREAT 9/11]— Michael Flammer ??? (@Jumpsteady) September 18, 2019
Representative John @RepLujan explains what the difference of 1.5° and 2° means: Beyond devastating.
“Many scientists said that we can only get to 430ppm to get to an increase of 1.5°. If we get to 450ppm — we are at 415ppm already — that gets us to 2°.”
[THREAD 10/11]— Michael Flammer ??? (@Jumpsteady) September 18, 2019
@RepMeeks wants to highlight the threats of climate change but at the same understates them completely by saying:
“It will be billions of dollars that will cause economic damage if we don’t do something about climate change.”Now, are you optimistic about the US?
[THREAT 11/11]— Michael Flammer ??? (@Jumpsteady) September 18, 2019