Tot eind 1974 hield ik mijn eigen hitlijst bij, die uiteraard nogal verschilde van de gangbare. Juist daarom ben ik er mee opgehouden, omdat de actualiteit op het gebied van muziekaanvoer bijna onverdraaglijk werd.
Omdat u het bent een van de laatstbinnengekomen Persoonlijke Hits van toen: Lou Reed. Omdat het wel aardig is om een thema te hebben volgen er meer uit die laatste dagen van toen.
Miss Riley had a dog
She used to keep it in her backyard
And when the dog began to bark
All the neighbors began to shout
Then came a stormy night
Miss Riley let her dog out
And when the neighbors found him ‘round
They put a gun down his mouth and shot him down
And he went
Ooohhh-wow, bow-wow
Ooohhh-wow, bow-wow
Miss Murphy had a cat
On her lap it sat
And once in a great big while
It looked like that Cheshire cat did smile
But often it used to chase
Anything that crossed its face
But one day it got so hot
That Cheshire cat had a blood clot
And she said
Ooohhh-meow, me-meow
Ooohhh-meow, me-meow
And then the dog met the cat
The dog was hot and the cat was wet
Then came some sweaty dude
He put a board between the two
Then they couldn’t get at it
Got frustrated all about it
So they did the only thing you could do
They took the dude’s sweat and shot it up between the two
And they said
Ooohhh-wow, bow-wow
Ooohhh-wow, bow, me, wow
Animal language.
Nooit zal ik weten of hij hoog zou zijn gekomen * grijns *