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De schrijver is een Californische liberal. Ik zou hem dan ook zeker niet als “geestverwant” aanduiden. Een tientrapsraket van maximaal 140 tekens, verwijzend naar wat de fascist Trump van plan kan zijn.
1. Hannah Arendt in her book The Origin of Totalitarianism provides a helpful guide for interpreting the language of fascists.
— Elliott Lusztig (@ezlusztig) November 28, 2016
2. She noted how decent liberals of 1930s Germany would "fact check" the Nazis' bizarre claims about Jews like they were meant to be factual
— Elliott Lusztig (@ezlusztig) November 28, 2016
3. What they failed to understand, Arendt suggests, is that the Nazi Jew hating was not a statement of fact but a declaration of intent.
— Elliott Lusztig (@ezlusztig) November 28, 2016
4. So when someone would blame the Jews for Germany's defeat in WW1, naive people would counter by saying there's no evidence of that.
— Elliott Lusztig (@ezlusztig) November 28, 2016
5. What the Nazis were doing was not describing what was true, but what would have to be true to justify what they planned to do next.
— Elliott Lusztig (@ezlusztig) November 28, 2016
6. Did 3 million "illegals" cast votes in this election? Clearly not. But fact checking is just a way of playing along with their game.
— Elliott Lusztig (@ezlusztig) November 28, 2016
7. What Trump is saying is not that 3m illegals voted. What he's saying is: I'm going to steal the voting rights of millions of Americans.
— Elliott Lusztig (@ezlusztig) November 28, 2016
8. Fascism is the opposite of conservatism because it refuses to acknowledge reality as a limitation on the scope of human will.
— Elliott Lusztig (@ezlusztig) November 28, 2016
9. Unfortunately most conservatives in America today only have an eye for that phenomenon when they see communists doing it.
— Elliott Lusztig (@ezlusztig) November 28, 2016
10. No harm ever came from overestimating the danger of a political situation. Whole civilizations have been lost from underestimating it.
— Elliott Lusztig (@ezlusztig) November 28, 2016